Sunday, March 16, 2014

28 Day Vegetarian Trial

I switched my family to a more organic diet a few years ago. We buy organic, local produce when we can and grow and preserve our own. Our meat comes from a local farmer: grass-fed beef, pastured pork, free-range chickens and their eggs and we drink unpasteurized cow's milk. This alone I feel has made a tremendous improvement in our health and has lessened the environmental burden of feeding my family.

I'm satisfied with the safety and nutritional value of my family's food. Still, I feel drawn to a vegetarian diet. A recent surgery, several injuries and a difficult winter have made sticking to a running plan challenging. I don't feel I am as well as I could be. I tried a paleo diet for a while last fall, which left me feeling deprived. I was part of the Adkins/South Beach fads, neither were sustainable. I've watched people around me thrive on high protein, low carbohydrate diets. I just don't feel good when I eat like that and the cravings for grains is unbearable. 

But the decision was made when I walked in to the office to find several issues of Vegetarian Times on my desk, compliments of a friend very aware of my situation and feelings about food, but not aware of the extent of the debate in my head. That settled it, the following Monday would start a vegetarian trial.

That "Monday" is tomorrow! I have a five week meal plan written for the whole family. Some nights we'll all eat vegetarian; some nights I'll modify the main dish and substitute beans or tofu for the meat. I'm stocked up on my favorite protein sources: hummus, tofu, lentils and black beans. I have a wide selection of grains. And, thanks to a good friend, I have six months worth of Vegetarian Times recipes to try out!